Our event came about after one of our original Event Team members, Katharine Jones, mentioned that it would be great if Warwick had a parkrun. Our founding Event Director, Linda Coombes, had never even heard of parkrun at that stage. She googled parkrun and found that you could apply to have one in your town. With applications in place to the Southern Downs Regional Council and parkrun Australia, we gathered a team of 8 enthusiastic friends to work on getting parkrun in Warwick.
People have the perception that you have to be fit to participate in parkrun. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have participants from 4 years of age through to people in their 80s. We welcome runners and walkers of all fitness levels. You will never be last as we have a volunteer role of Tail Walker, who volunteers to be last home at parkrun. It is always easier to be out and active when you are with other people.
Parkrun is a free, weekly, timed run or walk held every Saturday around the world. Warwick parkrun is looking forward to celebrating their 8th Anniversary on Saturday 4th September.
Parkrun is free, but you do need to register at www.parkrun.com , print out and bring along your barcode. This barcode is scanned at the completion of your run/walk and you will be emailed your finish time.