World Sleep Day

Regular Sleep for a Healthy Future.

World Sleep Day is March 19, with a focus on regular sleep and the benefits that come with regular sleep. Studies have demonstrated that stable bed and rise times are associated with better sleep quality and health benefits in young and middle aged adults, and seniors.

World Sleep Society recommends the following 10 steps to achieve healthy sleep:

  1. Fix a bedtime and an awakening time.
  2. If you are in the habit of taking a nap, do not exceed 45 minutes of daytime sleep.
  3. Avoid excessive alcohol ingestion 4 hours before bedtime and do not smoke.
  4. Avoid caffeine 6 hours before bedtime. This includes coffee, tea and many sodas, as well as chocolate.
  5. Avoid heavy, spicy, or sugary foods 4 hours before bedtime. A light snack before bed is acceptable.
  6. Exercise regularly, but not right before bed.
  7. Use comfortable bedding.
  8. Find a comfortable temperature setting for sleeping and keep the room well ventilated.
  9. Block out all distracting noise and eliminate as much light as possible.
  10. Reserve the bed for sleep and sex. Don’t use the bed as an office, workroom or recreation room.

While we are talking about sleep- if you find that these steps aren’t helping you to get that restful night sleep and suffer with the following:

  • Excessive snoring
  • Gasping during sleep
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Morning headaches
  • Not feeling refreshed
  • Sore throat in the morning

You may have Sleep Apnea, which untreated can lead to fatigue and other serious conditions like heart disease.

Our Sleep Apnea Team based in our Palmerin Street store are here to help with any queries or concerns you may have when it comes to quality sleep, or lack of.

Back to school kids health

Head Lice

Head Lice is an infestation of the human scalp caused by small, wingless insects. Contrary to popular belief, head lice cannot jump or fly between hosts and require direct head to head contact to crawl from one person to another.
There is no need to treat someone unless they have head lice- so the first step is to confirm that head lice are present using the:
Conditioner and comb method.

  1. Comb hair conditioner through dry, de-tangled hair with a fine tooth head lice comb.
  2. Wipe the comb onto a clean tissue and inspect for lice or eggs- we suggest that each part of the hair is combed through at least 4-5 times.
  3. If any lice or unhatched eggs are found, then treatment is recommended.

Although there are many products on the market, they fall into 3 broad categories- synthetic insecticides (pyrethrins), natural insecticides (essential oils) and agents that suffocate (dimethicone). Treatment with insecticides are preferred as they kill the lice.

Our staff are able to help you select the best option for you and your family.

After treating the head lice it is important to comb through the hair and check that the lice has been killed. Eggs are generally not affected by any hair lice treatment and therefore re-application in 7 days is vital to ensure successful treatment. It is also a good idea to wash the persons pillowcase in hot water (60°C).


There are 3 types of worms that cause infestation – Threadworm, Roundworm and Hookworm. Threadworm is the most common- particularly in school-aged children who then spread it to the rest of the family.

A few ways to limit the risk of worms are things like trimming and cleaning fingernails regularly, washing hands after toileting and before eating, and washing linen and toys in hot water.

Threadworms look like tiny lengths of fine, white cotton. The worm lives in the lower intestine but emerges at night to lay eggs around the anus, this can cause an itchy bottom for the person. Other symptoms include being irritable, not sleeping well and having a decreased appetite. Once laid the eggs can then be shed or scratched off ingested.

There are 2 main treatments for Threadworm:

Pyrantel Dosed as 1 chocolate square (100mg) per 10kg of body weight from 1 year of age. Pyrantel is also effective against Roundworm and Hookworm.


Dosed as a single dose (100mg) from 2 years of age. To be used only in treatment for Threadworm.

If one person in the household has symptoms suggestive of worms, it is important to treat all the family.


Bacterial Conjunctivitis is a highly contagious infection and inflammation of the eye’s outer layer.

It typically presents with a gritty sensation, watering or tearing eyes, a yellow-green discharge that can crust on the lashes, and irritation of the eye.

If a child is showing signs be sure to follow up with a Doctor or Pharmacist as soon as possible.

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a viral infection that causes a rash or blisters on the hands, feet, in or around the mouth.

It mainly affects children under the age of 10 and can spread easily from one person to another. It is mainly spread from the fluid inside the blisters or sneezing and coughing.

If the child is showing signs of feeling tired, have a fever, and have a rash- keep an eye on the rash.

Depending on which virus your child has, the skin rash can look like:

  • Small, oval, white blisters on the palms, soles of the feet, as well as in the mouth. Your child may have a sore mouth and throat, leading to poor appetite or risk of dehydration (drinking and eating can be painful because of the mouth blisters).
  • A red skin rash with a brown scale on it. The rash appears on the outer arms, hands, legs, feet, around the mouth and upper buttocks. The trunk is usually relatively clear. Sometimes there are blisters present, but they are not usually in the mouth and your child can eat and drink as usual.

Some tips for helping prevent the spread:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly after touching the child’s bodily fluids. This includes touching their blisters, helping blow their nose, and changing nappies or helping with toileting.
  • Make sure your child doesn’t share cutlery, drinking cups, towels, toothbrushes and clothing.
  • Keep your child home from school, kindergarten or child care until all the fluid in their blisters has dried.

Hand, Foot and Mouth is a viral infection, so Antibiotics will not work and shouldn’t be prescribed for children. It will improve on it’s own and keeping the child home away from other children is the best way to stop any spread. While keeping the child at home make sure they stay hydrated, are comfortable pain wise (You can give Panadol & Nurofen if need be) and most importantly- let the blisters dry naturally by not piercing or squeezing them.

Community Focus- Headspace Warwick

Headspace Warwick is a FREE and confidential service that helps young people in our community aged 12-25 with mental health and well-being. They provide an outreach service to Stanthorpe as well as providing a range of services from the Warwick office. Headspace Warwick has a multi-disciplinary team of Psychologists, Social Workers, Youth Workers, Community Engagement Workers and access to a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. With a focus for care around your individual needs and in most cases, there is no formal referral required.

After an interesting year in 2020, they can return of face to face appointments full time at the centre as well as offering tele-health options. The outreach to Stanthorpe is also back up and running of a Monday with a Care Coordinator and Counsellor available by appointment. A new Community Engagement Officer will be joining the team soon, so they will be on the lookout for expressions of interest from young people aged between 12-25 years to join their youth reference team.

Headspace Warwick have some exciting plans for 2021- so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for some upcoming news! In the meantime, keep up with all the news on their Facebook and Instagram pages, as well as the website ( where you will find all referral and service information. Be sure to check out the “Create an account” section on the top right corner to keep up to date with all the Headspace resources.

Smoking Cessation

Guardian Pharmacies are working with Nicorette to help kick the habit, either as a new year resolution or to help with any health concerns you may be having.

Our pharmacists are ready to help you along your journey, whether it be advice on what products work best or just reassurance and encouragement about your progress so far.

Set yourself milestones or goals to achieve for quitting, these can include things like: Setting a start date to quit, write a list of the reasons to quit and put it somewhere you see it every day, identify what makes you crave a cigarette and surround yourself with support- it can be family or even a friend to quit with.

Research has shown that the use of two different smoking cessation products increases your chance of quitting when compared to just using one or going cold turkey. Nicorette offers a diverse range from patches, gum, lozenges, and sprays- each with different strengths and flavors.

The Nicorette website also offers a money saving calculator so you can work out your potential savings for that little bit of extra motivation.


Smoking and Covid-19

With Covid-19 around, now is as good of time as any to look after your health- especially because smokers have a higher risk of respiratory track infections and lung complications.

There is some evidence that people who smoke may be more severely affected by COVID-19. This may be because smoking damages the lungs, so they do not work as well. For example, lungs naturally produce mucus, but people who smoke have more and thicker mucus that is hard to clean out of the lungs. This mucus clogs the lungs and is prone to becoming infected. Smoking also affects the immune system, making it harder to fight infection.

There is also evidence that people with other health conditions (like cardiovascular disease and cancer) are more likely to have more severe COVID-19 disease. Smoking increases the risk of many of these conditions.

The hand-to-mouth action of smoking and e-cigarette use may also mean people who smoke are more vulnerable mainly because they are touching their face and mouth more often.

For more information go to:

Sun Care

The Facts;

  • Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.
  • About 2,000 Australians die from skin cancer each year.
  • Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.
  • Medicare records show there were over a million treatments for squamous and basal cell carcinoma skin cancers in 2018 – that’s more than 100 skin cancer treatments every hour.
  • Basal and squamous cell carcinoma skin cancers accounted for one quarter of all cancer-related hospitalisations in 2014–15.4 The cost to the health system of these skin cancers alone is estimated to be more than $700 million annually. The costs to the Federal Government and the community from basal and squamous cell carcinomas are predicted to continue to increase in the future.
  • It is estimated that approximately 200 melanomas and 34,000 other skin cancer types per year are caused by occupational exposures in Australia.
  • Skin sun damage is caused by UV radiation (not the temperature)- hence why you can still get sunburnt on windy, cloudy and cold days.
  • Skin damage can occur via artificial sources as well (e.g. Solarium’s).

Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide

  1. Slip on sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible
  2. Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30 (or higher) sunscreen. Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun.
  3. Slap on a hat– broad brim or legionnaire style to protect your face, head, neck and ears.
  4. Seek shade.
  5. Slide on some sunglasses – make sure they meet Australian standards.


  • Apply sunscreen to clean and dry skin.
  • Apply at least 20 minutes before going outside or swimming.
  • Apply evenly and re-apply every 2 hours (even if water resistant sunscreen).
  • Should also re-apply sunscreen after activities such as swimming, excessive sweating and towel drying. These activities can reduce the effectiveness of sunscreen products.
  • The recommended application for adults- 5mL to each arm, body front and back and the face (includes neck and ears) for a total body application of 35mL or roughly 7 teaspoons worth.
  • SPF is a guide to the sunscreens protection rating and how effectively it filters UV rays. The highest SPF available in Australia is SPF 50+.
  • SPF 30 filters 96.7% of UV rays while SPF 50 filters 98%- they both provide excellent protection but must be applied correctly for best protection.
  • When choosing sunscreen, pick one that best suits your skin type and needs. Ideally should aim for at least 30+, broad spectrum and water resistant.
  • Broad spectrum sunscreen filters and protects against UVA and UVB rays (they both cause skin damage), UVB is the main culprit for skin cancer and skin damage.
  • When it comes to children- sunscreen can start to be applied from 6 months and up, younger kids need to be covered up and kept out of the sun wherever possible.

What can be done after the damage is done

For adults:

  • Act fast to cool it down- If the burn happens while around a pool or beach- take a quick dip to cool the area down and quickly cover up. Continue to cool the area using cold compress in conjunction with cool baths or showers- but not for to long so you don’t dry the area out to much, also be sure to avoid harsh soap so the area doesn’t get irritated.
  • Moisturise while skin is damp- Use a moisturising lotion (nothing that contains petroleum or is an oil based ointment as these can trap in the heat) and keep applying to burnt or peeling skin to keep moist.
  • Decrease the inflammation- Use NSAIDS if able to at the first sign of a burn to aid with discomfort and reduce swelling. Aloe vera can be applied to mild burns to aid in comfort along with wearing loose fitting clothes to avoid exposing the burn to the sun further.
  • Replenish your fluids- Burns draw fluid to the skins surface and away from the rest of the body, so it’s vital that you drink plenty of water and using electrolyte replacement products.
  • See a Dr if- There is any severe blistering over large parts of the body, fever and chills or just generally disorientated then seek medical help.

For kids:

  • Bathe in clear, tepid water- This is a good way to cool the skin, but be sure to use gentle washes so not to irritate the burn any further.
  • Stay hydrated- Be sure to keep offering them plenty of water or juice, if the child becomes disorientated or isn’t urinating regularly, seek medical help urgently.
  • Moisturise the skin- Keeping the skin moist provides the best comfort for them and aids in the healing of the area.
  • Keep the kids out of the sun- To avoid any further damage, also use this opportunity to practice sun protection.

Christmas Giving Programme 2020

Warwick Friendly Society is pleased to announce this year’s Christmas Giving Programme, which encourages members to choose how the Society’s yearly Christmas Donation is distributed.

The Warwick Friendly Society was founded in 1908 to support members of the Warwick district.  At first, the Society provided support to women and children who were in need due to the illness, injury or death of the spouses. 

It is fitting therefore that the charities our staff have nominated for the Society Christmas Giving Programme also have a focus on supporting women and children.

The Lighthouse Warwick, QCWA Warwick, and East School Book Program are the three charities that Warwick Friendly Society will highlight during the shopping period up to Christmas. 

Warwick East State School believes in the crucial role that books play in the literacy engagement of children. Research has shown that being read to as a child and having books in the home are irreplaceable parts of future academic success. Warwick East State School has developed a program called “BOLT – Building Our Library Together” to increase the books in a child’s home library. The program is designed to further develop a child’s love of reading and to create a legacy of books in the homes of children. The focus is about empowering children through book ownership, prompting a love of books and reading and creating a home library that can be built upon throughout the year. The program also creates the opportunity to share books with siblings and strengthen family bonds. The school aims to gift each child with a book each term of the school year.

QCWA has had a local branch in Warwick since 1924 and in that time members have supported families and communities as stated in the motto, “Through Country Women, For Country Women, By Country Women”.
Condamine Valley- Warwick Branch is one of seventeen branches within the Border Division of the organization. Members are able to showcase their skills through competitions in Cooking, Photography, Handcraft, Dressmaking, Floral
Art; Knitting & Crochet, Art, Public Speaking; Short Story and Poetry. A Country of Study is chosen annually, with competitions included. Our rooms at 76 Grafton St, Warwick, have resumed hiring our Hall and offering take-away food after a seven-month COVID-9 shutdown. It is anticipated that dining-in will be available in 2021 depending on social distancing regulations. Volunteers are most welcome.
– Prior to COVID-19, we have assisted many Warwick and District families and communities by donations, and support to the drought relief response as well as monies to groups e.g. Salvation Army; St Vincent de Paul; Lifeline; Lighthouse; Bush Kids; Rural Aid; VIEW club; Warwick Suicide Prevention Group; Rural Fire Brigade; Leukaemia Fund; Cancer Fund;  reflections – History of the Horse; Warwick Show & Rodeo Society; Southern Downs Steam Railway; RACQ Life Flight; C.O.1.D.; RSL Sub Branch; to name but a few.
Our Branch is delighted to offer three graduating Year 12 students, who reside in our QCWA Border Division, and who may require some  financial assistance for their first year of tertiary studies, bursaries amounting to $1500 each.
Applications are now open for the 2021 year and are available from our rooms or on the QCWA website, and close 22nd January, 2021.
QCWA’s Vision as an  organization is to “Empower and inspire women through friendship, education, service and advocacy”.

The Lighthouse Community Centre is an emergency relief organisation operated to help Warwick’s most vulnerable community members.

Each year the Lighthouse supports around 500 at risk people in the Warwick area. They offer food distribution, emergency hampers, blankets, and domestic violence services. Their Op Shop provides inexpensive clothing as well as funding their charitable activities.

Food for distribution is donated to The Lighthouse from Aldi, Woolworths, Subway and Donut King each day. Depending on the season this may also be supplemented by food purchased with their own funds if required.

The Lighthouse is an independent welfare organisation based in Warwick, near the Warwick Uniting Church. The organisation was established by Pastor Judith Kunkel as a central, one-stop-shop for people in need within the community.

How it will work

  • With each transaction in-store (no minimum spends and can be from any department), members will receive a token (must be a current member)
  • Choose which charity you would like to support from the on-counter display
  • Pop your token in the appropriate box


$3000 will be distributed between the three charities according to the proportion of tokens in the boxes.  These funds will be distributed during January 2021.


*For every transaction made in-store, each member will receive one promotional token (limit of 1 token per transaction). Place the token in the entry box on the counter, selecting the individual charity that you wish to support. Warwick Friendly Society will make a charitable donation to each of the three charities at the end of the promotion, based on the proportion of tokens contributed to each charity. The total donation will be AUD$3,000. Christmas Giving Programme Promotion runs from 1/12/20–24/12/20.


Ticks are parasites that feed on human and animal blood. A tick bite is usually harmless, but sometimes it can cause an allergic reaction or serious illness. If you have a tick bite, it is very important to remove the tick as soon as possible.

Types of tick bite

There are about 70 different sorts of tick in Australia. They are especially common along the east coast. Some have a flat body and a long mouth, while some look wrinkly and leathery.

In Australia, most tick bites are caused by the paralysis tick (sometimes called a grass tick, seed tick or bush tick). They grow from an egg to a larva (about 1mm long and brown) and then to a nymph (about 2mm long and pale brown). An adult paralysis tick is about 1cm long and a grey-blue colour.

Ticks need blood to grow. They crawl up grass or twigs and drop onto passing animals or humans, attaching themselves to the soft skin to feed. They inject a substance to stop the blood clotting. Their saliva can also be poisonous.

Some people are allergic to tick bites. Others, usually children, can develop a condition called tick paralysis. It is also possible for ticks to pass on several illnesses to humans.

Tick bite symptoms

If you have been bitten, usually you will just notice redness and swelling around the tick bite. This will disappear once you remove the tick.

Symptoms of tick paralysis include:

  • a rash
  • headache
  • fever
  • flu-like symptoms
  • sore glands
  • walking unsteadily
  • not being able to tolerate bright lights
  • weak limbs
  • a paralysed face

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to tick bites include:

  • swollen throat
  • difficulty breathing
  • collapsing
A Tick before and after feeding.

Tick bite treatment

If you are not allergic to ticks, you should remove the tick as soon as possible. Try not to squeeze or agitate the tick since it will be more likely to inject its saliva into you.

First, kill the tick by spraying it with a product that contains ether (such as Wart-Off Freeze, Aerostart or Elastoplast Cold Spray) and wait for it to drop off. It should die and drop off in about 5 minutes. Don’t use tweezers to pull the tick out.

Do not jerk or twist the tick. Don’t use methylated spirits, kerosene, petroleum jelly, nail polish, oil or alcohol, or use a lighted match. These don’t work and may cause the tick to burrow deeper into your skin.

If you are allergic to ticks, do not try to remove the tick — kill it with a spray that contains ether. If it’s your first allergic reaction, go straight to a hospital emergency department. If you have had allergic reactions before, talk to your doctor about how to remove the tick and whether you will need to see a doctor every time.

Tick bite prevention

  • Keep your skin covered in areas where there might be ticks. Wear a long-sleeved shirt, tuck your trousers into your socks and wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Avoid bush and long grass, especially after rain.
  • Use an insect repellent that contains DEET or picaridin.
  • You can put an insecticide that contains permethrin onto your clothes.
  • Brush your clothes and check your skin for ticks when you come inside.
  • Place clothes in a hot dryer for 20 minutes to kill ticks.

Information gathered from:


Puberty, menstruation, contraception and pregnancy – hormones really put women through a lot! Menopause is a normal part of a woman’s reproductive life cycle. Typically, it occurs between the late 40s and early 50s. Each woman’s experience of menopause is unique, although most women experience some type of symptom in addition to the ending of their menstrual period.

Why do we experience Menopause?

A woman’s ovaries produce three types of hormones – oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Among other things, these hormones play a vital role in menstruation, ovulation and pregnancy. During the menopause transition, the ovaries’ production of oestrogen and progesterone fluctuates and declines, ceasing at menopause.

What happens?

The experience of menopause varies widely from woman to woman and from culture to culture. All women, however, undergo the same basic hormonal changes during menopause.

Hot flushes are characterised by feelings of heat that spread to the chest, neck, face or the entire body. Hot flushes may be accompanied by sweating, nausea, heart palpitations, and flushed skin and can contribute to sleep disturbances.

Flow/Cycle changes are experienced by peri-menopausal women with irregular periods that stop and start with no apparent pattern. It is also common for women to get heavier, lighter or longer periods at this time.

Physical changes of the vagina occur due to the reduction in oestrogen levels at menopause such as thinning of the vagina lining and vaginal dryness. Changes in the vagina’s pH level (which keeps naturally occurring bacteria in balance) can occur, resulting in bacterial infections and dryness.

Skin and hair becomes thinner and less elastic as we age naturally, these changes are accentuated at menopause as oestrogen appears to play an important role in maintaining the skin. Women may notice a change in the skin’s texture and tone and an increase in the appearance of lines and wrinkles. They may also find their skin is drier or oilier than before, or a combination of both.

What can help?

There are a number of supplements available in the pharmacy, which women can take to achieve a smoother transition into this new life stage, including clinically researched and standardised Actaea racemosa (black Cohosh), Trifolium pratense (red clover), and Vitex agnus-castus.

Moisturising pH balanced vaginal gels and moisturising creams including Replens and Dr Wolffes Vagisan can help with vaginal dryness and itching.

Unpleasant symptoms of menopause may be reduced by following a healthy diet, regular exercise, maintaining good mental health, reducing stress levels, getting enough good quality sleep, cotton breathable pyjamas and bedding to help with night sweats, avoiding the things that trigger hot flushes, and quitting smoking.

Our Pharmacists and Friendly Society team help women every day with their menopause and post menopause experiences. (Some of us have even been through it.) Please speak to us with your queries so we can help make this time of your life a little easier.

From – The Pharmacy Guild of Australia Top six women’s health issues – and how pharmacy assistants can help.

Hay Fever & Allergies

Hay fever (also known as Allergic Rhinitis), affects around 1 in 4 people (children and adults) in Australia.

Despite its common name, allergic rhinitis is not caused by hay and does not result in fever. It is caused by the nose and/or eyes coming into contact with environmental allergens, such as pollens, dust mite, moulds and animal dander. People who are sensitive to these allergens may then experience one or more of the following symptoms:

Immediate signs or symptoms

  • Runny nose.
  • Itchy nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Itchy, watery eyes. 

Obstructive signs or symptoms

  • Congested nose.
  • Snoring. 

Some of these symptoms may be similar to those caused by infection (such as colds and flu). However, allergy symptoms tend to persist, unless they are treated correctly. 

Symptoms range from mild to moderate (does not affect day to day function), to severe (affects day to day function). Symptoms may occur in a particular season (usually due to allergies to grass, weed or tree pollens), or are persistent and present all year round (usually caused by allergies to house dust mites, moulds or animal dander). It is important to note that allergic rhinitis is not caused by a food allergy. 

Complications of allergic rhinitis may include:

  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Daytime tiredness.
  • Headaches.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Recurrent ear infections in children.
  • Recurrent sinus infections in adults.
  • Asthma which is more difficult to control.*

* Some people with allergic rhinitis also have asthma. Better control of allergic rhinitis has been shown to result in better asthma control in both adults and children. Untreated allergic rhinitis may also increase the risk of developing asthma.

Treatment options – Medications

Although medications do not cure allergies, they are effective and have few side effects. It is important to use them correctly, and to avoid medications that can cause problems such as frequent decongestant (unblocking) nose sprays or tablets.

Seek advice from your pharmacist or doctor about the following medications.

  • Antihistamine tablets, syrups, intranasal sprays and eye drops (non-sedating), help to reduce symptoms (sneezing, itchy and irritating eyes). They are not as effective in controlling severe nasal blockage and dribble. The advantage of antihistamines is their flexibility, as you can take them when you have problems, and avoid them when you are well. Antihistamine eye drops can be helpful in controlling watery eyes due to allergies. 
  • Intranasal corticosteroid nasal sprays (INCS) have a potent action on inflammation when used regularly (like asthma preventer medications). These need to be used regularly and with careful attention to the way in which they are used. Different brands of INCS vary in strength and effectiveness, so it is important to read the labels and check details with your pharmacist or doctor. 
  • Combination medications containing an antihistamine and intranasal corticosteroid nasal spray are  available and offer the combined advantages of both medications.  
  • Decongestant sprays unblock and dry the nose, but should not be used for more than a few days as they can cause long term problems in the nose. 
  • Decongestant tablets unblock and dry the nose, but should be used with caution. They can have stimulant side effects like tremors, trouble sleeping, anxiety or an increase in blood pressure. People with high blood pressure should not take decongestant tablets.

Natural products such as salt water nasal sprays or douches can also be effective in relieving symptoms.

*Information gathered from

Blood Glucose Machine Upgrade

You can now access the most accurate and up to date technology to manage your Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes with this generous off from Roche.

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes and are:

· Newly diagnosed, or

· Currently using a blood glucose monitoring machines over 12 months old (of any brand)

Come into our stores and speak to our friendly staff to get a new Roche Accu-check Blood Glucose Monitoring Machine.

You will need to purchase new cartridges or strips for the new machine (if required).

This offer is available while stocks last.

For more information give us a call on 4661 1944 or 4667 0692.

Be sure to take advantage of the Accu-Chek warranty program.

Please refer to your packaging insert for your warranty Terms and Conditions. You must enrol by fully completing the form in the link.